1 min readJun 22, 2023

Another day, another dilemma.

Everyday you are completing hundreds of tasks on autopilot. Your synapses are firing on full steam and you are able to do without thinking.

But what about the tasks that you want to do, you know you have to do, and somehow you just can’t do?

Are you already fearful of the outcome? Can fear of failure prevent you from trying? Or is it laziness?

I do wake up with the best intentions. Then some character in a movie or a series will make more sense than my conscience.

Their rousing speech only rouses a sharp disdain in me. Why can’t I be disciplined? If I was disciplined I would have…

There are life lessons that stick and then there are those that have been chasing you for years and still haven’t caught up.

But today I sent an email I had been putting off for two years. It really did just take three minutes while I was on the pot.

Guess I’m going to sleep sounder than usual tonight.

Until tomorrow…