How to un-freeze from inaction

1 min readJun 29, 2021


  1. Don’t make a list. The writing of lists leads to a sense of satisfaction and control and the falsehood that you have achieved something.
  2. Do one thing that you have been procrastinating. It could be as small as replying to an email or reading a book. DO IT NOW.
  3. Do an eye-open meditation on a memory of you on a good day — jumping out of an airplane, learning to drive, winning an award, publishing a book — remember you are the same person still.
  4. Say (and believe)— it’s ok if I can’t do everything today, there is still tomorrow and the day after that. It is more important to do what you can, than to berate yourself for what you haven’t done.
  5. You are all the positive reinforcement and validation you need. You are the proof and the pudding. (How’s that for an affirmation!).
  6. Remember all things are cyclical — when you freeze again, re-read this.

Happy un-freezing to you and to me.

