Lean into the uncomfortable

1 min readJul 14, 2021


If there is one thing this journey of being an artist has taught me — it is that you cannot create from a place of comfortable. If you are comfortable, you are complacent, you are lethargic, you are lulled into a state of not-doing.

Now don’t get me wrong, uncomfortable is not the same as unhappy — there is nothing romantic or accurate about the idea that poets only write when they feel something can’t write ‘happy’ poems.

Art doesn’t stem from one place or thought or feeling or action — but it can be beckoned, it can be absorbed, it can be molded.

Uncomfortable is living outside your comfort zone. It is giving your body and mind a purpose beyond just producing work. It is seeing the world differently — wanting to change the not-knowing while knowing there is so much more you do not know. Keeping THAT cycle thriving — not vicious.

Not a race to create, but to stay immersed — to see more and do more and be more.

